16.-20. Mai 2024

Jerusalema Miracle Dance

Life is a dance in the harmony and unity of eternal creation.

In this alignment – the experience of our UNITY – we meet to practice the choreography to the song: Jerusalemaby Master KG.


On Whit Monday, May 24, we ALL dance this dance together both on site and online – as a culmination to a true MIRACLE-Festival in dissolving of every belief in separation!


Anyone who feels inspired to participate in this half-hour miracle dance-“warm up”- is heartily invited.


Thursday, 13th of May, 19.00 Berlin Time and Tuesday, 18th of May, 11.00am Berlin Time. 



At the following zoom link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/2090270352?pwd=VXk0dUpHQmllcEpsSjU3QnBveWs0Zz09

And this identification code: jerusalema



We practice at least initially basically according to this video:

– STEP BY STEP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCSHAsx1LRs



In the following Telegram group we share updates, links, prayers and of course our joy:

Jerusalema Dance: 

Feel free to join!


We look forward to seeing you there!

The Miracle Dance Team