16.-20. Mai 2024

Becoming a Sponsor

Shaping the festival and supporting it at the same time?
Easy! Become a sponsor!

With your sponsorship you influence the budget we have for certain things. For example if you send us 30€ for flowers, we will use these 30€ for exactly that: flowers. The more budget we have for flowers, the more colorful the festival will become. Thus you have a direct influence. 

Additionally you help to get the festival going effortlessly. You can choose to become a sponsor for a certain category (e.g. flowers), or support us with a free amount. 

Business Sponsors

Are you an entrepreneur or represent a company? Your business sponsorship banner goes right here. Please contact us for further details at info@das-wunder-von-bad-meinberg.de. 

Become A Festival Sponsor in 2021!

Choose a sponsorship in the list below and send us the according amount via bank transfer or Paypal. Every amount is helpful and we receive it gratefully.

IBAN: DE43 4401 0046 0340 9294 69, BIC: PBNKDEFF, Paypal: https://paypal.me/AndreasProehl

Available Sponsorships in 2021: 

  • Flowers 1: 30€
  • Flowers 2: 40€
  • Insurance: 110€
  • Lights: 100€
  • Printing of flyers 1: 35€
  • Printing of flyers 2: 50€
  • Printing of flyers 3: 50€
  • Music loyalty fee for the festival: 250€
  • Art-Print: 300€
  • Rental equipment 1: 50€
  • Rental equipment 2: 50€
  • Accommodation of speakers: 188€ ea
  • Print textile 1: 50€
  • Print textile 2: 100€
  • Advertising 1: 130€
  • Advertising 2: 200€
  • Free amount

Business Sponsors 2021